This is where you add, edit and delete vendors. A vendor id is required for each vendor. Vendor IDs can be alphanumeric but cannot
exceed 12 characters. The distribution tab in
the vendor screen includes the default accounts payable and expense account for this
vendor. These fields are not required but will
speedy the entry of bill and checks for this vendor if you use the GL distribution part of
the accounts payable programs. Make sure
to save any changes to vendors by selecting the save button on the tool bar.
You can choose not to use the general ledger module if you want to
use the Accounts Payable or payroll modules in the program.
If you have already setup vendors in Retail ADVANTAGE then you will
see that these vendors also appear in Retail BackOffice.
You should assign vendor Ids to vendors that where previously setup in
Retail ADVANTAGE in Retail BackOffice vendor setup.