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General Ledger Accounts

Cafe ADVANTAGE Restaurant Management Software allows you to view, edit, print, or delete general ledger accounts in this screen.  General Ledger Accounts can be up to 10 characters long and you can setup up to 9999 departments. Department Income statements can also be generated using the Advantage reporting functions.

gl accounts salon software and spa software

edit gl accounts salon software and spa software

The General Ledger module is a double entry accounting system that follows generally accepted accounting procedures, GAAP.   The chart of accounts uses account numbers and can be divided up into departments for reporting purposes.  Because the other accounting modules are integrated with the general ledger, book keeping is much easier. 

CASH Basis vs. ACCRUAL Basis

This Advantage accounting system can report on both cash and accrual basis for its accounting reports.  Essentially, you can run either type of report at anytime.  The tax regulations let businesses figure their taxable income on a cash basis, rather than on the accrual basis.  Cash basis accounting can result in the postponing the payment of income tax, although it ordinarily does not reduce the total amount of income tax over a period of years.   Cash basis means that you recognize revenue the time you receive the revenue or the time when you pay the expense.  Accrual basis means that you recognize the expense when you actual receive the bill not when you pay it or recognize the revenue when you bill for your services not when you get paid for them.



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