Client Photo

ADVANTAGE Salon Software and Spa Software allows you to store client photos for reference for before and after.  You can store an unlimited number of pictures per client as will as view them from the client screen!  Advantage supports gif, jpg and bmp picture files.  You can setup a directory on your computer for all your client photos and link them to the client record in ADVANTAGE Salon Software and Spa Software.  View them over and over again without importing files into your database!  Fast and easy: use the digital camera you already have!

client photos salon software and spa software














Notice how all the client information is stored accessed with the smart tab design in the screen shot.  You can search and clients from a list or find client information using either phone number, client id, first name, last name or combinations of first name and last name.  When search by name you do not have to enter the whole name to find the client you can enter partial first and partial last name and the program will give you a list of matching names.



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